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Working full-time at Thesis was a joy. I chose to work on the Adobe team because the brand has always been a significant part of my career and craft. 

HTML Animated Ads

I have been making animated ads in HTML for years. In fact, in 2011, I was hired at Yahoo because I could help the advertising team migrate from Flash to HTML. Nearly ten years later, I'm still surprised when a team of designers need to learn how to create and deliver HTML ads. I was happy to help.

Adobe Brand Guides
Email Taxonomy

Thousands of bespoke emails were still being created and recycled consistently. It's impractical to program and design every email for such a large organization from scratch. I needed to create a template system that included preexisting emails that needed to be cataloged. I embraced a complex project that only a crazy, left-brain designer could enjoy. 

I started by analyzing all the emails using Adobe Lightroom. I scanned them visually as small thumbnails and created collections of visually similar emails.

I created thumbnails of the emails from a programming perspective. I composed a shorthand for elements that could define standard HTML elements or almost any "style sheet" framework (e.g. Word, InDesign, Sketch). 

I initially identified nearly fifty unique styles of emails. Upon further analysis, I could eliminate and whittle down the templates to about twenty.

My beautiful mind couldn't help transposing the thumbnail into a color-coded language that I could plug into Google sheets. This allowed me to transpose, sort, and further scrutinize the email templates and identify similarities that weren't obvious before. 

Now I could see patterns in the elements (divs) that I knew the engineering team could leverage for coding. I could also see inconsistencies that may or may not have reflected Adobe's Brand Guidelines. After sharing my recommendations with the Thesis team, I could fix these discrepancies, eliminate unnecessary elements, and make the template system even more concise!

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